About Us.
Who are we?
We are a Young Enterprise company working out of Roundwood Park Secondary School producing hand crafted reed diffusers aimed at all age demographics . Our mission is to make a profit while supporting the environment by providing customers with high-quality, environmentally friendly, hand crafter reed diffusers. We are a hard-working group of students with a drive for success. The journey to this point has not been easy, we have had to battle many a disagreement, people leaving and joining us, but we have persevered and managed to bring a product to market that we are incredibly proud of. We have combined our skills in order to make a wonderfully scented diffuser that is able to transform a room. With your support we wish to advance to the national finals of the competition and win the crown of the best young enterprise company in the UK.
Our Environmental Mission
At Ascent we believe everyone has a part to play in the health of our planet, that means that the environmental footprint of our product is a key focus of our brand. Our designated ‘Sustainablity Director’ Suada Mahmutaj is passionate about the environment and ensures that everyone at Ascent is informed on the impact of our every move on the environment so then we can make the best choice. She ensures that every one of her initiatives are both impactful and effective. We actively choose to ensure all stages of the manufacturing process are as sustainable for the environment as possible, no matter the cost.
How are our reed diffusers environmentally friendly?
The key to our success is the base oil we use in all Ascent reed diffusers - augoe oil. Augeo oil is an innovative bio-based solvent which is developed with a glycerin base. Glycerin is a biodegradable renewable source which ensures that we don’t harm the planet for future generations. As aguoe oil is a bio-based solvent, it is not harmful to wildlife due to its natural chemicals. Coconut oil is the most common choice of base oil for our competitors due to its cheap price to harvest. We challenge this industry standard due to its selfish nature. Over eighteen species become endangered for every million tons of coconut oil harvested, which we at Ascent think is eighteen too many. To top this all off, all Ascent reed diffusers contain ingredients that are locally sourced, which ensures that the carbon dioxide released by delivery vehicles is kept as low as possible.