Scent With Love.

What makes Ascent so special?

What makes Ascent so special? We handcraft and package every individual reed diffuser ourselves, no factories, no machinery and lots of love. Our reed diffusers metaphorically and literally are scent with love from the Ascent team. We actively choose to ensure all stages of the manufacturing process are as sustainable for the environment as possible, no matter the cost. The heart of our environmental success is a special oil called augeo oil, which is an innovative bio-based solvent which is developed with a glycerin base. Glycerin is a biodegradable renewable source which ensures that we don’t harm the planet for future generations. Coconut oil is the most common choice of base oil for our competitors due to its cheap price to harvest. We challenge this industry standard due to its selfish nature. Over eighteen species become endangered for every million tons of coconut oil harvested, which we at Ascent think is eighteen too many.



Coming soon to the Ascent YE shop is our new Spring Collection, we will be introducing two new palette tingling fragrences to elevate your home or office.

Make sure to follow our instagram so you can be first to the release.

Contact Us

Interested in working together or have any questions about our product? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!